(The following information reflect the opinions of Stilldigging.com and the characters are fictional)

May 1, 2003

Washington D.C.

0900 hours cool brisk morning, grayish sky's, 70 degrees

A limo pulls up near the corner of 1st and Independence,
near the U.S. Capitol, and two well groomed individuals in business suits
hop into the back seat.
The limo quickly pulls away to an unknown destination.

Stump quickly flips open his attache case, and hands General Remeyer
a manila envelope labeled Top Secret.
The general quickly opens the envelope, quickly scans the contents, briefly stopping at
a photograph, then looks at Stump directly, in a domineering manner.

General 'The last time we used Cyclops for an inquiry, was for Project Bluebook,
and that was over 30 years ago, the year Apollo 11 launched.
[The General turns and stares out the window, while Stump and Crowbar
wait patiently for the General to continue]

[Still staring blankly out the window the General continues]
General 'Cyclops has evolved, it's not even a machine anymore,
it's so highly classified that the president doesn't even know about it.
[The General pauses again as if in hesitation, then turns and looks at Stump]

General 'If we reopen the investigation, it'll send shock waves throughout the community.
Stump 'It'll be an informal inquisition, I mean inquiry.
No Grand Jury will be involved unless our findings are absolute.
[The General turns and stares blankly out the window again]
Stump 'We are not investigating the assassination, sir.
[The mention of the word suddenly forces the General to reminisce,
about one of the darkest days in our nations history, and suddenly the thoughts
come rushing back, as if he were reliving the past,
the tragic episode in Dallas, at 31 minutes past noon, on November 22, 1963, and the aftermath,
a nation struck with horror and grief, a national icon, a U.S. president,
the most powerful man in the world, loved revered worldwide, sure to be reelected,
struck down by an assassins bullet, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of witnesses,
and 4 investigations couldn't figure it out.
Unbelievable he thought to himself, absolutely unbelievable,
and suddenly he could hear the words, as if it were yesterday :
"the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans",
"ask not what your country could do for you, but what you could do for your country",
"we will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe, to ensure the survival and success of liberty".

[Finally the General turns and nods in approval]
[minutes later as Stump and Crowbar are exiting the limo, the General calls to Stump]
And one more thing.
Stump 'What's that sir?
General 'Leave no stone unturned.

May 2, 2003

Area 61, location unknown

1300 hours.

Derek, who looked like he was straight out of junior high, quickly and effortlessly manipulates
the virtually invisible flat keyboard, seemingly fused to the desk,
issuing Cyclops a series of command sequences,
while a team of 20 individuals, now dubbing themselves the Majestic 20,
apparently since Cyclops served such a team, with a similar name decades earlier,
stare intently as if in anticipation

While Derek, waits for the satellite linkage to activate an access channel to a database,
physically located half way across the nation, Derek acts as a tour guide.

Derek 'Cyclops is one of the most sophisticated pieces of machinery ever devised by man.
It's not even a machine anymore. It has evolved.
Team member 1 'What is it a living organism?
[Derek nods] 'In a way.
It thinks in 10 dimensions.
[the team stare back]

[Derek continues with an air of sophistication
like a genius talking to a class of students]

'Humans read and write in two dimensions, Cyclops exceeds that by the 10th factor.
[the team stare back waiting for the genius to explain himself]

Derek 'Our libraries are filled with mundane books, not in content of course,
but in our ability to decipher the contents, since we have to read each line sequentially,
and our brains don't have the short term capacity to store everything sequentially.
[the team stare back]

Derek 'So valuable time is wasted and sometimes critical information is lost.
It's just too distracting for the brain.
And even worse, the most significant element of information processing is easily lost,
which includes extrapolations, summaries, perspectives,
all the elements that represent the next dimensions of human thought.
Do you see what I'm saying?
[the team stare back, some as if confused, some nodding but also confused]

[Derek continues] 'Cyclops extrapolates, categorizes, summarizes,
then reshuffles these levels of information into more categories, more summaries,
more perspectives, and it goes on and on and on, at lightening speed.
We call it 10 dimensional thought, but it's much more,
[the scientists tone is suddenly elated as he says] it's infinitive!

If we humans trained ourselves to read and write in multi dimensions,
we'd we'd be trekking other galaxies by now.

Suddenly Derek's screen lights up with the access panel to Majestic 20's database,
containing information, quickly compiled in it's rawest form, ever since the Columbia
destructed 3 months earlier.

[Derek directs their attention to the gigantic display screens on the walls]
Now gentlemen, please focus on screen 5 to your right.
Now let me warn you that Cyclops is still a machine,
it has no allegiance, no emotion,
It tell's it like it is.

In the last 10 minutes, it has accessed your raw database,
and recompiled the same information in multi dimensions,
and has devised the following material, which will fuel your investigation.

Please be warned that these are only theoretical perspectives,
designed to let you see your world in multi dimensions.
Team member 1 'So you're saying that Cyclops has come up with it's own theories?
speculations, and possibilities on the Columbia tragedy? based on the information provided in our little database.
Derek 'That is correct sir.
[Derek hits a hot key and suddenly the information extrapolated by Cyclops
starts rolling on screen 5.

The team stare speechless at the incredulous speculations.]

C Y C L O P S...... at your service

[Theory: ]
################## classified ################################
[Reason: ]
To suggest ######### while the ###############################################.
[Reason: ]
The shuttle was slated for retirement anyway.
[Theory: ]
Possibility that the crew #######################.

[Theory: ]
Possibility that communications were intentionally cut at 7:59:22
[Reason: ]
Symbolic retaliation as part of an on going feud between powerful secret societies.

Possibility that the shuttle was ######################### at 7:59:54.
Possibility that it was staged and timed to occur near Fort Worth.
Symbolic retaliation as part of an on going feud between powerful secret societies.

Possibility that NASA employed a conspiracy of silence.
Possibly to avoid discovery.
Possibly because pinpointing possible damage
would have forced the perpetrators to abort the mission,
the apparent ##################### of Columbia.

Possibility that the shoddy analysis was intentional, to fuel the suspicion and the excuse
that it was the foam debris that led to Columbia's destruction.

Possibility that Challenger was ###################### in 1986.
Symbolic retaliation as part of an on going feud between powerful secret societies.

Possibility that ongoing O-ring problems was the excuse to ############### Challenger.
Possibility that the freezing 25 degree weather furthered the same excuse,
and the launch was intentionally delayed for this purpose.

[Theory: Columbia]
Possibility that Mission Control intentionally feigned ignorance during the final moments,
Possibility that Mission Control intentionally left in the dark during the final moments.
Symbolic retaliation as part of an on going feud between powerful secret societies.
Was the Columbia rigged during it's overhaul in 1999?.
A half a ton of sensors were removed during the 1999 overhaul.
Coincidentally sensor failures were prominant
when the Columbia first started experiencing problems last February first.

Possibility that the warning to congress in September 2001, the same month 9-11 occurred,
"the ice is getting thinner", was in anticipation of the Columbia's ######################.

Possibility that Columbia's scheduled touch down time of 8:16
was symbolically associated to the atrocities over Hiroshima and Nagasaki during world war II.
Since Little Boy was detonated at 8:16.

Possibility that Gehman was picked to head the investigation,
because the pronunciation of his name is symbolically associated to the atrocities,
over Hiroshima and Nagasaki during world war II.

Possibility that NASA intentionally isolated themselves from warnings
of possible doom and catastrophe, to fuel the suspicion that the foam debris
from the external tank was the culprit leading to Columbia's destruction.
Possibly as the excuse to #################### Columbia.

Possibility that NASA knew the mission was ############, yet portrayed it as a tragedy.
It was possibly a planned #############, to retire Columbia with ####################.
Possibly to promote ############, and justify a new fleet.

Possibility that the 1999 overhaul had malicious intent.
Possibly to later ############# Columbia and legitimately maintain plausible deniability.

Possibility that the data readouts from the Columbia were fabricated or manipulated,
Possibility that the shuttle was modified to give out ambiguous readings.
Possibly to ################# Columbia and legitimately maintain plausible deniability.

Possibility that the debris from the external tank on liftoff, was intentionally staged with precision.
Possibly to initiate the major suspicion, that the debris was the culprit leading to Columbia's destruction.

Possibility that the heating device beneath the bipod fittings was intentionally sabotaged.
Possibly to allow ice to form, and later breakoff during liftoff .

Possibility that Columbia was intentionally held on the launch pad for 39 days,
during the coldest days of the year.
Possibly to maintain plausible deniability .
Possibly as the excuse for sabotage, forcing the debris to fall from the external tank,
at precisely 81 seconds after liftoff.

Possibility that postponing Columbia's launch 12 times until winter was intentional.

Possibility that flooding the media with NASA's woes and those of it's contractor's was anticipated
before the Columbia tragedy.
Possibly to justify a new fleet and a bigger budget.

The information deluge was immediate and occurred the day after the Columbia tragedy.
How did the press attain so much detail and elaboration?
presumably the same day of the Columbia tragedy.
A logistical impossibility.

C Y C L O P S...... signing off for now

[suddenly Cyclops stops spitting out information]
[Derek enters a few commands then says] 'Gentlemen, Cyclops knows we're here.
[Team member 1] 'You mean it has awareness.
[Derek seems to nod as he enters a few more commands] 'That's it gentlemen.
Cyclops has stopped transmitting.
To be continued.